Slow and Steady

When it rains, it pours. The past few weeks have been nothing short of chaotic (as shown by my absence from the interwebs–sorry!!). I have 3 major papers due in a week and a half, I strained my left gastrocnemius, and I’m just getting over a stomach virus. Needless to say, I haven’t been having the easiest of times. However, my papers need to get done, I want to be able to run without pain, and I’d like to get all this done without pulling out my hair.

photo cred:

I’m going to start with using the crap out of my planner. This time last week, I was making a schedule  to allocate my time this weekend. It may seem excessive, but I wrote down what time I plan to wake up, what time I want to get to the library, and how I plan to use my time (45 minutes for an outline, 35 minutes for research, etc). I benefit from this type of structure, and by breaking down one big project into manageable parts, it seems less intimidating.

Listening to my body is going to be vital for both my recovery and my papers. Sitting at the computer for 12 hours in an attempt to finish all my work is not going to be productive. It’s quality, not quantity, right? I also have to listen to my body as far as exercise goes. While running is my main source of stress relief, if it hurts, I simply can’t do it- there are other cardio machines at the gym that I can use to cross train. In order to be an active participant in my recovery, I’m attending physical therapy once a week and have been a stickler about doing my exercises and stretches.  I also got new running shoes because although I loved them, mine were a hot mess.

Womens <em>New Balance 749</em> Running Shoes WR749ST

photo cred:

Lastly, I’m going to go easy on myself. This one is going to be challenging. As a perfectionist, I have a tendency to beat myself up if I don’t live up to my (unrealistic) expectations. It’s important for me to recognize that my expectations are ridiculously high, and if I let something falter, it’s not the end of the world. I think this will be a process, but my injury has shown me that pushing too hard too frequently doesn’t yield desirable results.

Oh, and I’m scheduling a facial after I hand in my last paper 🙂

How do you handle stress?



I Got It From My Mama

Growing up, I loved shopping with my mom. She and her best friend would take me with them whenever they went to Sims, TJ Maxx, and the outlets. They taught me how to look for the best bargains, but emphasized that quality always outranked quantity. Thanks to these fantastic women, I have an eye for sales. Not just clothing or shoe sales, but groceries too. One lesson that my mom taught me is to always watch the screen when a cashier is scanning your groceries. I used to get embarrassed when my mom would say “excuse me, but this rang up $4.99 and the sign on the shelf said $3.59,” but as I got older, I came to admire her gumption. Many stores will give you the prices listed on the shelf, and some stores will even give you the item for free if it scans incorrectly. Mike and I went grocery shopping a while back to buy chicken for him, and the massive package we were purchasing scanned incorrectly- you better believe that I said something, and the store gave us the chicken for free!

The price of the item is not always the best price to look at, either. My mom taught me to look at the unit price (usually the price that’s on the left) instead of just the price. This is very helpful in determining how much bang you get for your buck. I wanted to get some shredded wheat yesterday, and saw that one of the name brands was on sale. I checked out the unit price and compared it to the generic brand, and saw that the generic brand was still cheaper per pound! Just make sure that the unit prices you’re checking are consistent. Some list their price per pound, some list the price per ounce, and some list by 100 count.

photo cred:

Being conscientious is extremely important, especially if you’re like me and are a grad student who is tight on cash. One of my New You Solutions is to be a better shopper. It is very rare that I buy anything other than groceries or gas, but even with those, I want to be able to leave the store saying “that was money well spent.” It is very easy for me to walk into Trader Joe’s, Target, or J Crew (swoon!) and convince myself that I need all of their new and/or seasonal items. A new cardigan here, some fancy black licorice there- this unfortunately adds up very quickly and could leave you with the dreaded feeling of “buyers remorse.” This is where my “money well spent” motto came in. I never want to leave a store again thinking about whether or not I should have spent money on something. To ensure that I’m saving the most money I can, here are a few steps that I take.

For grocery shopping:

1.  Always look at the weekly circular before you go to the store. If you don’t get the circular in the mail, all stores have their circular posted on their website. You can check the sales with those items on your shopping list and stock up when prices are low. You should also have discount cards for those stores that you frequent the most. I have discount cards for all supermarkets and chain drug stores within a 10 mile radius of my apartment. Unless you’re going to a store like BJ’s or Costo, discount cards are free and very useful.

2. As mentioned above, always always look at the screen when your items are being scanned.  It may seem trivial, but it all adds up in the long run.

3. Again, I mentioned above that you should be comparing unit prices, not just the sale prices. It’s good practice.

4. Coupons are your friend. You can find coupons online, in the newspaper, and sometimes in the store circular. Every little bit counts, right?

For clothing shopping:

1. If you can avoid it, don’t shop retail. As I said, I am a big advocate of quality over quantity, but that doesn’t mean that I drop a lot of money on good quality clothes. I am a big fan of Marshall’s and TJ Maxx, because they have designer clothing for a fraction of the retail price. If you have any outlets around you, that is another great place to find deals. The first place I go to in a clothing store is the sale rack. Check for signs, too. Some stores have signs above their sale racks stating that everything is an additional % off, which is always a plus

2. Shop online. This can get sticky because you aren’t able to try on the clothing that you want to purchase. Fortunately, most stores have very good customer service and return policies, and you can either mail back your purchase, or return it to a store that’s near you.

3. Sign up for a store’s mailing list. I’m sure nobody wants their inbox to get bombarded with more emails, but many stores send out coupon codes that you can use online, or coupons you can use in the store.

What are some tips that you follow to save money? We’d love to hear from you! Comment or email us at apositiveregard (at) gmail (dot) com


Present and Accounted For

Instead of New Year’s Resolutions, I made some rough draft New You Solutions. I thought that if I reframed the way that I thought and lived, that I would see a positive change. Unfortunately, life got in the way, as usual. I wanted to make a whole list of things I wanted to accomplish, but to be honest, I’m not in the right mindset yet. It’s a struggle for me to find an hour or two to frequent the gym a few times a week, let alone try to go rock climbing or make tiramisu from scratch (two things I’d eventually like to do).  I have been actively trying to stay on top of my exercise routine and eat what makes me feel good, but something still felt a little off. Enter: the moleskine wellness journal.

photo cred:

My birthday was last week, and this was one of the fantastic gifts that Marissa gave me. I can’t tell you how excited I am about this. The journal is divided into sections: Personal Goals, Execise Log, Diet, General Health, Games/Sports, and Inspirations. There are another 6 sections with blank labels, so that you can create your own! I know the importance of writing things down so that they’re concrete, but now that I have something a little more “professional,” I find that keeping track of what I do is much easier. Another important aspect of writing down your goals/activities/diet etc is that it makes you accountable. For example, I got home from my internship on Monday night and began snacking away on some dark chocolate. I wrote it down in my journal and saw that I had quite a bit of sweets that day. The next day, I labeled my diet “Low Sugar Day” in an attempt to cut back on the refined sugars. Did I feel guilty that I ate sugar and chocolate the day before? Not really- it was delicious. Did I learn from my journaling and make changes accordingly? Absolutely. So expect some weekly updates about the goals that I’ve set for the week, and how I’m progressing!

What are some ways that you stay on track?


Ginger Kid

For the first time ever, I called in sick to my internship. I have been feeling pretty crappy for the past two days, but I was convinced that I would get better. Before I actually called it, I’m pretty sure I went through the 5 Stages of Grief. I denied up and down that I was sick. I even got out of bed this morning and went to the gym, only to feel exhausted and gross 5 minutes into my run. Then I got angry. I wanted to blame everyone with a sniffle for getting their tainted germs on me. I tried bargaining. “Maybe I’ll only go in to the hospital for a few hours and then ask my supervisor if I can leave early. Or maybe I can pump myself with DayQuil and come in late.” Depression came next- you know the whole “woe is me, I don’t feel well” whining. Lastly, I accepted that I have a nasty cold. And with acceptance, comes smoothies.

photo cred: the abundant life online

Last night, Mike was nice enough to drive my whiny butt to Trader Joe’s so that I could get some uncrystallized ginger. Whenever I was sick growing up, my mom would make me tea using freshly grated ginger, lemon juice, and honey. I wanted to try making the tea with uncrystallized ginger, but according to a Trader Joe’s employee, there is a ginger “shortage” and they aren’t sure when they’ll have it in stock. Crankyness ensued. I became frustrated with all chain stores, and decided that going to the tiny Oriental Grocery was our only option. While they were out of crystallized ginger, they sold fresh ginger for much less than the supermarket, so I grabbed about a pound. While I was waiting on line, a petite Chinese woman started chatting me up about all the ways I could use ginger. She told me that she usually makes tea with ginger and brown sugar as soon as she comes inside from the cold. She also said that she likes to add vinegar to help with digestion. As soon as I got home, I peeled and grated a small knob of ginger into a mug, added the juice of half a lemon, a drizzle of honey, and a little bit of cider vinegar. I then filled the mug with boiling water and muddled the ingredients a little.

After I made about 3 large cups of this concoction, I looked at the leftover ginger in the bottom of my mug. I didn’t want to just throw it away, but what could I use it for? Mike and I had already eaten dinner, so a marinade was out. Then it hit me. I’m going to use it in a smoothie.

Feel Better Smoothie – a Positive Regard Original
1/3 cup chopped fresh ginger (you can use less to suit your taste)
2/3 cup frozen blueberries
2/3 cup orange juice
6 frozen strawberries (that’s all I had left)
1/3 cup water
1 T cider vinegar
1 handful spinach
1 glug maple syrup or honey
Throw everything in your blender or food processor and blend until smooth! Or you can follow Alton Brown’s tips on smoothie making
When I first tasted this, I didn’t think it tasted like anything, so I asked Mike to taste it. One sip and his face perked up. I then realized that I had to blow my nose in order to taste anything.  This smoothie packs a lot of punch, especially from the ginger. Mike said that it really woke him up and gave him energy, and I certainly agree. I can see making this again as a great jump start to the day.
What are some of your home remedies?

Winter Blues

This New York gal has got the blues. It’s fair enough to say that I think we’ve gotten our fair share of snow this winter. And with great snow, comes great shoveling…

Now, to stay on the bright side, I have to say I don’t mind shoveling, since it’s productive (yes, I need to get my car out of it’s snowy tomb) and it’s quite the workout! So we’ve had about 7 snowstorms so far (and one complete with thunder!) and we’re in the midst of an ice storm.

Check out my car, it looks sort of like an orca whale’s eye, if you look at it the right way… No? Just me?

Now, with the 18+ inches of snow we got last week, and the ice storm we’re waiting out right now, I have a hard time motivating myself to leave the comforts of my warmer-than-outside home. This hasn’t boded well for my food intake, or my fitness. So, I’ve taken to doing simple things to make better use of what’s going on outside the house and inside my body!

This is a unique opportunity for me to get extra creative with what I cook. I could whip up a batch of chile with my eyes closed under any normal circumstances, but with no onions left, and not many other supplies, I’ve had to dig into the depths of the pantry and use what may has been neglected.

Dried beans have been my savior and I’ve eaten chickpeas more ways than I can count. Luckily I find if I add enough spices, you can make anything taste gourmet. Chickpeas with chile powder, cumin, garlic, onion powder, curry powder and a can of chopped tomatoes made an excellent last minute meal.

It’s also made me realize just how much food goes to waste, even in my household where we’re extra conscience about how much we buy. There have been some eggplants sitting in the crisper (which is by far the worst place to keep food in my opinion, how easy is it to forget that it’s there?!?) so those also went into making an impromptu indian dish (see the spices above, substitute eggplant for chickpeas). Bam! Another easy meal, without even having to leave the house! Other than to de-ice the driveway for the 3rd time…

As far as indoor fitness goes, I’ve been lucky enough to have held onto an gift card for quite some time, and purchased myself an Xbox with Kinect!

After visiting my college roommate in upstate New York and experiencing playing around with this, I was convinced that I needed one. It gets me moving and it’s interactive, which is something I definitely need. I’m not good at doing workout videos, and I’m a little hesitant to join a class, but for some reason if it’s a game, I’m all for it!

So those are just my wintertime hibernation solutions that I’ve been using to stay well so far this winter. And even though the groundhog may not have seen his shadow and Spring is on it’s way, I have a feeling we’ve still got some more shoveling ahead of us…



Keep On Keepin’ On

I have been a bad, bad blogger, you guys. Not only have I not been cooking anything exciting, I haven’t even been on the computer in over 54 hours. Getting to the gym has also been a struggle. I don’t know about you, but this winter is hitting me hard. If I had the energy, I would make a line graph showing the positive correlation between the snow accumulation and my level of motivation. Shoveling every other day + 20 hours at work + 21 hours at my internship + running as much as I can =


Apologies for complaining, but I believe that venting is an important stress management tool. Recently, I’ve been going out of my way to do things that reduce my stress.

Mike and I have been going for long walks on the weekend to get some exercise and absorb a little vitamin D. We recently took a 5 mile hike around this lake, in which we encountered a flock of birds. Swans are enormous, by the way.  Don’t these remind you a little of The Beatles?!

Another way that I’ve been relieving some stress is by indulging in an hour of knitting a few times a week. I’m not very skilled yet, so I’m just trying to practice making things that are outside of my comfort zone.

Kind of like these 1 Up mittens for Mike! These were the first mittens I’ve ever made and the first intarsia work I’ve ever done. As you can see, the left one is a little wonky because that’s the one that I did all by myself without the help from my very talented mother.

Indulging in delicious sushi has also been part of my stress relief routine. It’s important to treat your body, mind, and soul every once in a while.


What are some ways that you get yourself out of a mid-winter funk? I’d love to hear your motivation tips!



Stir Fryday

Happy Friday, everyone! Is anyone else sick of the snow? Another day shoveling, slipping and sliding outside, plus work and dragging myself to the gym left me craving a massive meal. I had a craving for stir fry with a spicy sauce, and luckily had all the ingredients.

Marissa introduced me to Daily Garnish and told me to check out the post on peanut flour. If you haven’t already, read Emily’s post on peanut flours. I too am a nut butter lover and I think that this is a great alternative. Peanut flour has significantly less fat and calories per serving than peanut butter, while still containing a lot of protein.  Mike was nice enough to pick some up for me when he ventured out to Trader Joe’s the other day, and I must say, I am a big fan. I don’t count calories on a regular basis, but I am conscious of what and how much I put in my body. My running has decreased slightly due to my crazy schedule and because of the mass amounts of icy grossness outside. Using peanut flour allows me to get the satisfying taste of peanut butter with the benefits of protein, without the high calories. Win!


To make the sauce, measure out 2 tablespoons of peanut flour (or use 2 T of peanut butter). To hydrate the peanut flour, I added a few sprinkles of salt and 2 T of water

Ta-da! To the peanut butter, add 1 1/2 T soy sauce, 1 T warm water, a few drops of sriracha, 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger, 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder, and 1 T rice vinegar


oh! And 1 teaspoon maple syrup


Use the good stuff- it really makes a difference


Stir all the ingredients until combined.

I was worried that the sauce might not turn out as well as it might with peanut butter, but this out perfectly!


For the main meal, I chose the lazy microwave route. First I made some brown rice (1 part brown rice:3 parts water, microwave for 30 minutes), then chopped up kale, carrots, brussel sprouts, and peppers. For protein, I threw on a little tofu and a handful of edamame. Into the microwave for 6 minutes, and we’re good to go


Top with scallions if you like, and drizzle the peanut sauce on top.


This was very filling, fast, and delicious.


Peanut Sauce

Adapted from Bon Appetit

2 T peanut flour or peanut butter

1 1/2 T soy sauce

1 T warm water

1/4 teaspoon ground ginger

1/4 t garlic powder

1 T rice vinegar

1 t maple syrup

1/4 tsp red pepper flakes or sriracha

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and whisk until incorporated. Drizzle over your favorite stir fry, chicken, or anything else you want to make more delicious!


Have you revamped any of your favorite recipes lately? We’d love to hear your new recipes!



A Girl’s Breast Friend

WARNING: If the discussion of mammaries makes you uncomfortable, stop reading. I repeat, stop reading.

Now then, let’s talk about boobs. Everyone has them- some people love theirs and embrace them, some people hate theirs, get them enhanced or reduced, or try to modify them without surgery. Regardless of size, I think that when exercising, everyone wants to feel supported, yet comfortable. There is nothing worse than worrying about how much you’re bouncing, or if someone if getting a peep show due to inadequate padding.  A good sports bra is much more than just support- it should elevate your confidence, and provide you with increased motivation.

Photo cred:

I know that may sound far-fetched for some, so hear me out. I am relatively short, 5’3″, and thanks to the traits I’ve inherited from the women on my father’s side, I have a large chest. For the most part, I’ve learned to appreciate my body. Yes, it is slightly annoying having to size up one or two sizes in button-down shirts to accommodate my chest,but I think rather than spending time on self-criticizing, that time is better spent on self accepting. The one aspect that I was still uncomfortable with was my workout attire.

Photo cred:

When I started running over the summer, I wore a North Face sports bra, plus a tank top that had a sports bra built in. Once I started to increase my mileage, I noticed some chafing under my left boob. I thought it was just a one time thing, so I readjusted and continued to use the bra. A lot of triple antibiotic ointment and gauze later led me to the conclusion that this was not a one time occurrence. However, I could not find a bra that I was happy purchasing. Frustrated with the sports bra search, I decided to use what I had- a soft sports bra that offered little support, underneath the dreaded other bra that gave me abrasions. Two sports bra. That’s right, I wore two sports bras for about 5 months. It’s bad enough having to peel one sweaty bra off your body after a long run, but two was terrible.

As usual, my sister was the one to talk some sense into me. She has been practicing Krav Maga for quite a few years now. That means that 1)she is a total bad ass, and 2) that she does a lot of high impact exercises. We were both home over Thanksgiving, and she let me use one of her Enell bras on my morning run. Not only did the bra physically change the way I held myself when I ran, it completely changed my confidence level. My posture was better, I no longer hunched my shoulders over, and I felt great about myself. My boobs did not bounce. It was hard for me to believe that was possible, and I’m still a little surprised each time I put the bra on. I know this sounds like a big plug for the company, but I don’t work for them and haven’t received any complimentary products from them. I’m simply excited that my breasts stay in place when I exercise, and wanted to share my experience with all of you. We all make sure that we have the proper yoga pants, running shoes, and other sports equipment, so why aren’t proper sports bras encouraged?


Has anybody else had to wear two dreaded sports bras? Is there a brand that has changed the way you work out? We’d love to hear from you!


Make Like An Onion!

I’m sure everyone has heard the saying “make like a banana and split!” Today, I made up my own saying that I’m sure will catch like wildfire as well. “Make like an onion and layer.” Anyone that’s seen Shrek will remember the scene in which Shrek explains to Donkey that ogres, like onions, have layers. Then, of course, Donkey says that instead of an onion, the analogy should be with parfait instead because “everybody loves parfait!” So if you don’t like onions, “make like a parfait and layer.” Maybe it needs some work…Its lack of a punchline might not make you chuckle, but it will serve as a reminder of how you can enjoy the outdoor sports that go hand in hand with the winter weather.

I’m finally home on a two week winter break! I have plans to cook, bake, clean, read, knit, reunite with friends, and SLEEP. I also want to exercise in order to maintain the strength and stamina I’ve worked to achieve. At school, it was easy- the gym is a 10 minute walk from my apartment, so I was able to set aside an hour and a half 3-4 times per week to get some running in. Given that I’m only home for a short period of time, I want to try to branch out from my gym routine to enjoy the colder weather. I know that enjoying the cold weather may seem like an oxymoron, but as long as you have the right “tools,” being outside can be refreshing and invigorating.

I will admit that at first, I was hesitant to run outside. It’s cold, windy, and grey, and completely outside of my comfort zone. Then I realized, that this was the perfect excuse for me to venture outside. Instead of New Year Resolutions, I’ve decided to set some New You Solutions for myself (more on that later!). One of my solutions is to try some activities outside of my comfort zone. So I layered up, grabbed my iPod and I was out the door. Running in the colder weather is just like anything else- the hardest part is getting started. I stood at the top of my driveway for about 30 seconds, and then I was off, and didn’t look back. Believe it or not, I took off my mittens about 15 minutes into the run.

Having proper tools is important, as is their quality.  I wear wool socks because they are comfortable and will keep your feet warm even if they get wet. I also wear 2 pairs of pants- a pair of spandex leggings underneath, and a pair of long underwear from EMS. On top, a short-sleeved wicking shirt from TJ Maxx, a long-sleeved thermal from The North Face Outlet, and a fleece vest.

Again, wool is your best friend for outdoor activities. A headband and gloves are vital when temperatures are low. Even though I know I’ll probably end up taking my gloves off, I never leave home without them. This is one of those “more is more” cases.

If putting on all the layers doesn’t get me amped up to run, I think about how great I’m going to feel at the end. If THAT doesn’t help, upbeat music is always the answer.


Does your exercise regime change during the winter months? What do you do to motivate yourself? Email us at apositiveregard (at) gmail (dot) com


The Boys are Back in Town!

And by the boys, I mean ME (Marissa)!

Hi, remember me? It’s been a while, I know…

It’s been a long few months, with a lot of ups and downs, but the cherry on top of it all is that I PASSED MY SOCIAL WORK BOARDS!!! I’m officially a Licensed Master of Social Work (LMSW)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(there are not enough exclamation points to express my excitement!)

And here’s the story (best read in front of a roaring fire, if not possible, a warm laptop will suffice):

It was one of the coldest days in the metro New York area, and I headed down to midtown Manhattan to take my test. I’m a little crazy about getting place on time, or early, so I managed to have an hour to spare before I was scheduled to go in, so I took the opportunity to have a light lunch (peanut butter & jelly on whole grain bread; carbs and protein are your friends before a big test!) and gulp down a huge water bottle (stay hydrated!).

170 questions later, and I had to contain myself my squealing inside the room full of other people taking their exams, as “Congratulations, you’ve passed” came on the screen. See, lucky for me, they tell you immediately if you pass or fail, and I’m one for instant gratification.

Post test, I met up with my mom, and we celebrated by taking a frigid stroll through Herald Square. To celebrate, and help cope with the freezing wind, my mom was nice enough to purchase me a BRIGHT yellow pashmina scarf, right before we got into the subway. It’s been pretty much wrapped around me ever since. Plus, you probably don’t know this blog world, but I LOVE the color yellow. If I ever get around to any outfit posts (hello new years resolution?) you’ll see that…

Story’s over. Not as exciting as you were hoping for? That’s probably because I didn’t put in the pre-test anxiety part where I was nervous for ~6 months and would call Ariel almost sobbing. But that part’s boring.

Check out the hat I made since I’ve had an excess amount of time now that it’s not all spent studying!

Blammo! Yellow! See, I told you I loved yellow…

So, to wrap this bad boy up, I’m back folks! With 4 more initials at the end of my name: LMSW (Let’s Make Some Waffles?)!


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